Rubber conveyor belts

Benzi de cauciuc cu insertii textile 2, 3, 4 pana la 5 insertii textile cu diverse straturi de cauciuc, mai groase sau mai subtiri, in functie de cerintele aplicatiei respective. Latimi benzi transportoare de cauciuc : 300 | 400 | 450 | 500 | 600 | 650 | 700 | 800 | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 | 1600mm - alte latimi se pot livra la cerere. Lungime maxima 100ml Optional: benzile de cauciuc pot avea snur marginal sau margine taiata Grosime straturi cauciuc: grosime pana in 2 mm pentru straturile intermediare grosime cauciuc peste 4mm pentru straturile exterioare posibilitate strat textil interior si/sau exterior benzi de caiciuc tip curea...
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Field of use: transporting products with high temperature Type 1 - for high temperatures between -20 grdC ... 90 grdC Type 2 - for temperatures between -20 grdC ... 130 grdC Quality norm: STAS 2077/4/1976Textile: EP insertion types: EP 80; EP 100; EP 125; EP 160; EP 200; EP 250; EP 315; EP 400.Conveyor width : between 500 and 1600 mm, 1% Conveyor thickness: dimensional tolerances : thickness between 5 to 10 mm, 1 mm. thickness over 10 mm, 10 %. Rubber layer thickness: for thickness up to 4 mm, +1 mm/-0,2 mm for thickness over 4 mm, + 1 mm/-0,5% Conveyor length: maxim 300 m, +2%/-5% Moulded edge width: max. 15 mm Number of EP insertions Between 2-6 plies Mechanical and physical characteristics...
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Benzi de cauciuc pentru transportul produselor petroliere solide si pulverulente in limita de temperatura -20 grd C ... +100 grd C conform STAS 193/1997. In functie de conditiile de exploatare, se fabrica in doua tipuri: tip 1- cu rezistenta la produse petroliere tip 2- cu proprietati antistatice si rezistenta la produse petroliere ...
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Benzi transportoare de cauciuc cu insertii metalice folosite in special pentru transportoare foarte lungi, datorita alungirii reduse conferite de cablurile de metal. Aplicatiile benzilor transportoare cu insertii metalice se regasesc in industria mineritului, benzi rulante extrem de lungi....
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Field of use: paving industrial production halls, embossing gaskets, protection of industrial machines , etc.Technical characteristics: Hardness: 45oShA; 50oShA; 60oShA; 70oShA; ± 5oShA Dimensions / aspect Thickness[mm] Width[mm] ± 1% Length[m] ± 2% Aspect 1,5; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; ± 0,5 1000-1400 Min 8 1 side smooth / 1 side with textile impression 8; 10; 12, 15 ± 0,8; 20 ± 1,5; 25, 30, 35; 40; 45; 50 ± 2. 1000-1600 5......9 Both sides smooth Min 8 1 side smooth / 1 side with textile impression Constructive types : Rubber mats without textile insertion Rubber mats with textile insertion Quality types : General purpose rubber mats - temperature range -30oC...+70oC Oil resistant ...
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