Metalic conveyor belts

We supply belting to meet any particular specifications or customer needs...
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VICO-RC. The VICO-RC belt is made of high tensile strength stainless steel or carbon steel wires and is driven by sprockets. The high flexibility of this belt allows the use of very small shaft. VICO-RC belts are classified according to the weave width and weave spacing, the diameter of the wire, the internal and external hook widths and the type of selvage. They can have simple loop or double loop end selvages. VICO-RC belts are mainly made of spring steel and stainless steels....
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VICO-MC for high temperatures. The VICO-MC belt consists of wire spirals woven together and reinforced with straight reinforcing rods. This is classified according to the pitch and internal spacing of the spiral wire, the diameter of the wire and rod and the type of selvage. Appropriately sized spiral wire pitches and wire and rod diameters enable VICO-MC belts to be used in continuous ovens up to temperatures of 1150°C. The selvages of VICO-MC for high temperatures can be welded, ladder or knuckled. It can also be supplied with reinforced selvages and guard edges. The main special materials permitting these conveyor belts to work continuously at high temperatures are: 25/20 AISI 314 stainless steel, Ni-Cr...
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